RESOURCES Newsletter
A newsletter for our partners
The goal of Resources is to let our partners know about events, new training opportunities, publications, and other products provided by the National Concrete Pavement Technology (CP Tech) Center at Iowa State University.
CP Tech Center publishes Concrete Overlay Repair and Replacement Strategies
- Dan King of the CP Tech Center earns PhD
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
CP Tech Center awarded FHWA Cooperative Agreement
- CP Tech assists in MnROAD testing
- FHWA CPM feedback group
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
CP Tech Center receives AASHTO award
- CP Tech Center travels to the 13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- CP Tech Center publishes Commentary on AASHTO R 101, Developing Performance Engineered Concrete Pavement Mixtures
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
CP Tech Center publishes Interim Guide for Reducing the Cradle-to-Gate Embodied Carbon Emissions of Paving Concrete
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
Taylor receives ACPA technical achievement award
- CP Tech Center publishes Optimizing Concrete Pavement Opening to Traffic
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- CP Tech Center wins ACI award
- FHWA Concrete Pavement & Materials Technical Feedback Group workshop held
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Pooled fund launched to extend PEM and look beyond
- Third edition of Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide published
- Steve Tritsch retires
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Nick Popoff)
- CP Tech Center welcomes Leif Wathne as Associate Director
- Second edition of Guide to Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots released
- Finding new sources of fly ash for highway infrastructure
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Laura O’Neill Kaumo)
- Maximizing your agency’s infrastructure bill ROI
- Making a difference behind the scenes for 25 years
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (David Howard)
- Geotextiles for unbonded concrete overlays
- Fiber-reinforced concrete for bridge decks
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Michelle Wilson)
- Adding concrete overlays to your “mix of fixes”
- Changes in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design for concrete pavements
- Meet the board members (Matt Horsfield)
- New Quality Control for Concrete Paving guide
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Steve Prosek)
- New edition of the “Guide to Concrete Overlays”
- Optimizing vibration for concrete durability
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Bill Cuerdon)
- ISCP honors CP Tech Center’s founding director
- New research engineer joins the CP Tech Center
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Rob Kish)
- CP Tech Center welcomes John Adam as new associate director
- Mixture proportioning with less cement for improved performance + reduced CO₂ impact
- On the road again to talk concrete pavements
- Meet the board members (John Becker)
- Airport concrete pavement program takes off
- PEM: Where next?
- On the road again to talk concrete pavements
- Meet the board members (John Hart)
- Internal curing to reduce early-age cracking
- Preparing well for Biden’s infrastructure plan
- CP Tech Center continues “traveling” virtually
- Meet the board members (Mike Ireland)
- Reducing cement content in optimized mixtures
- Two new guides on geotechnical cement released
- CP Tech Center continues “traveling” virtually
- Meet the board members (Shauna Hallmark)
- How to entrain air voids for pavements that last
- Better measurements a key to better foundations
- CP Tech Center continues “traveling” virtually
- Meet the board members (Ernie Peterson)
- Did you know concrete overlays can fix THIS?
- One-page guidance for PEM tests now available
- CP Tech Center continues “traveling” virtually
- Meet the board members (Kevin McMullen)
- Did you know concrete overlays can fix THIS?
- One-page guidance for PEM tests now available
- CP Tech Center continues “traveling” virtually
- Meet the board members (Kevin McMullen)
- New tech brief assesses harvested fly ash solution
- 2019 Research Needs Analysis now available
- CP Tech Center continues “traveling” virtually
- Meet the board members (Nicolas Marks)
- States’ “Pavement Preservation – How” tools are online now
- Performance-engineered mixtures (PEM) update
- $3.5 million FAA research agreement takes off
- Guide to Concrete Trails serves public health
- Meet the board members (Greg Mulder)
- ADA and preservation webinars make an impact
- Shadowing PEM: Which PEM tests when?
- Progress under FHWA Cooperative Agreement
- Meet the board members (Brent Burwell)
- Overlays webinar tops expectations
- CP Tech Center remains active under COVID-19
- Surveying the impact of the CP Road Map
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Robert Seghetti)
- NHI releases web-based preservation training
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Angela Folkestad)
- Can drone technology help you? 4 proven use cases for unmanned aerial systems
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Jerry Voigt)
- Best practice guidelines for real-time smoothness technology now available
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Mitch Dillavou)
- Concrete Infrastructure Research Database is here to help you
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Mike Gordon)
- “Early Practitioner Resources” web page available to bookmark
- Montana hosts Fall 2019 NC²
- Meet the board members (Joe Bush)
- How DOES vibration affect concrete mixtures?
- Guide to Concrete Trails now released
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Patrick Cleary)
- FHWA publishes Concrete Pavement Preservation Checklists
- Sign up now for the Fall 2019 National Concrete Consortium (NC²)
- Release of next-generation Iowa Pore Index (IPI) test device and procedures
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Steve Prosek)
- Talking concrete pavements from coast to coast and beyond
- What every concrete professional should know about PEM
- Meet the board members (Peter Taylor)
- Next-generation Integrated Materials and Construction Practices (IMCP) manual released
- Talking concrete pavements around the country
- Meet the board members (Kevin Merryman)
- Penetrating sealer evaluation project takes off
- CP Tech–sponsored concrete competition a success
- Meet the board members (Shauna Hallmark)
- New FRC tool and publications issued by CP Tech Center
- Places we have been
- NC2
- PCC Pavement and Materials Research Laboratory
- Meet the board members (Mike Byers)
- CP Tech is represented in several states
- Meet the board members (Mike Ireland)
- New research on internal curing now online
- Gordon Smith attends the 40th Annual Concrete Paving Workshop
- CP Tech Center at the TRB
- Meet the board members (Kevin McMullen)
- Concrete Pavement Technologies Transfer project wraps up
- CP Tech Executive Board convened in November
- Summit attendees discuss concrete pavement overlays
- Concrete Distress manual now online
- Macrofiber webinar transcripts available online
- Taylor presents at South African concrete gathering
- Meet the board members (Ernie Peterson)
- New PEM Tech Brief available
- Tritsch addresses Pavement Preservation at workshop
- Taylor speaks at Cement Sustainability Initiative Forum
- Tritsch shares information on PEM tests and TRB Committee AFD00 at meeting
- Webinar series on fiber-reinforced concrete underway
- Meet the board members (Greg Mulder)
- Adam joins CP Tech Center and PCC Lab
- CP Tech leads Fall National Concrete Consortium meeting
- Meet the board members (Maik Strecker)
- Three new concrete guides ready for users
- Tracking Concrete Overlays to Australia
- Gordon Smith joins in PCA deliberations
- Meet the board members (Robert Seghetti)
- New Tech Brief reports on recycled concrete aggregate use in roadway shoulders
- Open houses showcase PEM program demonstrations
- Meet the board members (Brent Burwell)
- Two new PhDs with concrete-related experience
- Longtime PCC Lab supervisor to retire
- New CP Road MAP Tech Brief on RCA base products
- CP Tech Leadership Team Engaging with Constituents
- Promoting Performance Engineered Mixtures (PEM) in Denver
- Meet the board members (Jerry Voigt)
- Geotextile overlay test summary issued
- Registration open for PCA Professors’ Workshop
- April CP Road Map issued on concrete overlays
- Taylor talks aggregates at Geological Society meeting
- PCA representative adds value to CP Tech board (Steven H. Kosmatka)
- New manager sought for PCC Lab
- Time to sign up for Iowa Concrete Pavement (SPS-2) Tech Day
- Taylor, Smith headline recent Manitoba concrete pavement workshop
- Tritsch travels take him from Delaware to Texas
- Meet the board members (Mitchell Dillavou)
- PEM Program: Delivering concrete to survive the environment
- New tech results shared by the MCT program
- Taylor presents at UI-UC Kent seminar series
- Meet the board members (Mike Gordon)
- Two new tech briefs in the Concrete Pavement Recycling series
- Meet the CP Tech Center board members, first in a series (Joe Bush)
- CP Tech staffers travel widely to share findings and insights
- National CP Tech Center advisors to meet in March
- CP Tech staff presented on PEMs at 2018 TRB
- Taylor and Smith to speak at TRB workshops on PEM January 7
- CP Tech Center publishes trio of new reports on internal curing of concrete
- New Moving Advancements into Practice (MAP) Brief available
- CP Tech Center mentioned in new federal report
- CP Tech welcomes new Executive Board member
- CP Tech helps host a successful Iowa Better Concrete Conference
- 2017 Municipal Streets Seminar offers new avenues for participants
- New pub highlights best practices for concrete construction
- New CP Tech research paper examines the Iowa Pore Index test
- Iowa Congressman David Young tours ISU concrete lab
- Winter’s coming. Here’s a guide to help understand the causes of premature joint deterioration
- Concrete overlay performance on Iowa’s roadways
- CP Tech Center’s Taylor wins Technical Innovation Award
- You’re invited: Next Generation Concrete Surface in Houston
- Gordon Smith joins CP Tech Center as an associate director
- PEM Program on the road teaching new specifications for better concrete
- NCC fall meeting
- Iowa District Concrete Lunch and Learn Forums
- Full-depth reclamation with cement publication is now available
- Best Practices workshops continue
- NCC spring meetings
- Spring and summer webinars
- New guide to durable joints
- Spring NCC meeting
- Spring webinars
- Advancing PEM
- Lab technician hired
- Update on AASHTO specification on PEM
- Presentations from Iowa Better Concrete Conference
- Taylor responds to questions about joint deterioration
- Article about West Des Moines project in Roads and Bridges
- Register for fall 2016 webinars (NEW topic: SCMs)
- Showcase on pavement smoothness a success
- Highlights from fall 2016 NC2 meeting
- Study completed re pavement monitoring via embedded sensors
- Coming: Web-based training on concrete pavement preservation
- NC2 meeting is here!
- Register for fall 2016 webinars
- Just published: Patch repair mortar
- NC2 meeting is around the corner
- Real-time smoothness showcase August 9
- Just published: Evaluation of modified concrete applications
- Products in the works
- New report on internal curing available
- Spring 2016 “road show”
- Recorded webinars online
- Smoothness technology showcase in August
- New: Resources for students
- Register for real-time smoothness showcase in Utah
- Spring 2016 webinar schedule
- Highlights from April 2016 NC2 meeting
- Peter Taylor named ACI fellow
- Spring 2016 webinar schedule
- Final technical report re deterioration of joints
- NC2 meeting news
- Spring 2016 webinar schedule
- Peter Taylor to be honored as ACI Fellow
- NC2 meeting news
- Well maintained roadways improve fuel efficiency
- Staff announcements
- Correction to concrete overlay guide specification
- NC2 meeting news
- New NC2/TTCC webinars starting in March
- New publication on joint deterioration
- New publications from the CP Tech Center
- Events
- Staffing update
- New publications from the CP Tech Center
- Video highlights concrete overlays on asphalt parking lots
- September 2015 NCC meeting
- Two positions open at the CP Tech Center
- NCC fall meeting
- NEW Spanish version of overlays manual
- CP Tech Center is supporting West Des Moines construction projects
- Center seeks associate director
- Center seeks associate director
- Best practices for jointed concrete pavements.
- Updated, easy-to-use online courses through AASHTO’s TC3
- Training opportunities
- Research highlights
- Peter Taylor accepts PCA foundation award to support students
- April NCC meeting highlights
- Research database updated
- CP Tech staff “Road Show”
- Training opportunities
- New CP Tech Center research results
- National research update
- Training opportunities
- Recent CP Tech Center publications
- New CP Tech Center research results
- General PowerPoint presentation about the CP Tech Center now available