Pavement Preservation

Transportation agencies are continually being asked to do more with less as they work to maintain the condition of their facilities. Pavements represent a large part of the transportation infrastructure. Pavements left to deteriorate without timely preservation or maintenance treatments are likely to require costly and disruptive major rehabilitation and reconstruction much sooner than those administered appropriate preservation treatments.
The CP Tech Center and others have therefore developed numerous resources detailing not only state-of-the-art but also tried-and-true methods of concrete pavement preservation. These resources include webinar videos, a wide range of guides/manuals, online content addressing preservation concepts as well as specific preservation methods, and online training modules.
(Note: While the resources below have been curated from many sources, it is impossible for any list of pavement preservation resources to be both brief and comprehensive. Thus, it should be noted that most of the videos linked below are on YouTube and the related videos YouTube automatically queues to play next may also be helpful.)
- Cedar Rapids’ “Paving for Progress” Update/Bowling Street Pavement Rehabilitation & Lane Conversion (Wilson, Mroch, Schwickerath, & Rhinehart–2021)
- Understanding Penetrating Sealers for Concrete Pavements (Kevern & Fouch–2021)–Slides / Q&A
- Concrete Pavement Preservation: Dowel Bar Retrofit and Diamond Grinding (2021):
- Concrete Pavement Management and Preservation (Scofield & Folkestad–2020)–Slides / Q&A
- Concrete Pavement Evaluation and Preservation Strategy Selection (Tritsch & Donahue–2020)–Slides / Q&A
- Concrete Pavement Preservation Treatment Construction (with Case Studies) (Roberts & Everett–2020)–Slides / Q&A
- Concrete Pavement Management and Preservation Performance Resources (Darter–2020)–Slides / Q&A
Concrete Overlay Repair and Replacement Strategies
(2024, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
54-page guide that presents preservation and repair solutions tailored to concrete overlay distresses and discusses end-of-life strategies that will enable agencies to preserve their investment for the longest possible time
Concrete Pavement Preservation Guide (3rd edition)
(2022, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
276-page, third edition of a guide that provides guidance and information on the selection, design, and construction of cost-effective concrete pavement preservation treatments
Guide to Concrete Overlays (4th edition)
(2021, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
152-page, fourth edition of a guide that presents the basic principles that a pavement engineer needs to design and construct concrete overlays on existing asphalt, composite, and concrete pavements
Pavement Preservation Checklist Series
(2019, Federal Highway Administration)
23-booklet checklist series (checklists 17 through 23 cover concrete pavement preservation strategies)
Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice Manual, 2nd edition
(2019, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; sponsored by the FHWA Transportation Pooled Fund TPF-5(286) and the Iowa Department of Transportation)
333-page manual intended as both a training tool and a reference to help bridge the gap between recent research and practice regarding optimizing the performance of concrete for pavements
Guide for Concrete Pavement Distress Assessments and Solutions: Identification, Causes, Prevention, and Repair (PDF)
(2018, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; sponsored by FHWA; also available as an EPUB – To view, e-book software app must be installed on your viewing device)
500-page practical guide to concrete pavement assessments and distress solutions including pavement distress identification, causes, prevention, and repair
Concrete Pavement Guide
(2015, California DOT [Caltrans])
188-page comprehensive overview of current new concrete pavement construction-reconstruction, preservation, and rehabilitation strategies used by Caltrans; Parts III and IV focus on preservation and rehabilitation strategies
Cost-Effective Pavement Preservation Solutions for the Real World
(2014, Minnesota DOT, Local Road Research Board)
82-page summary of pavement preservation activities and recommended uses, expected longevity, and expected pavement life extension, with tools and techniques to help local agencies evaluate costs, benefits, timing, longevity, and decision-making for developing an effective pavement preservation program
Preservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Concrete Pavements Using Thin Concrete Overlays: Solutions for Joint Deterioration in Cold Weather States, 2014
(2014, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
40-page guide to provide a resource for pavement owners, designers, and contractors to design and construct successful thin concrete overlays as a longer-term preservation solution for concrete pavements with prematurely deteriorating joints
Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity (AAR) Facts Book
(2013, Federal Highway Administration)
224-page book with detailed information on AAR, including alkali-silica reaction and alkali-carbonate reaction; chapter 8 (177) provides information about mitigation methods for ASR-affected structures
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement: Extending Service Life of Existing Pavements
(2013, Federal Highway Administration)
67-page guide providing overview of best rehabilitation practices for CRCP, including identifying distress mechanisms and selecting and implementing appropriate restoration and resurfacing solutions
Long-Life Concrete: How Long Will My Concrete Last?
(2013, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
46-page report of an ongoing discussion about moving toward performance-based specifications for concrete pavements
Methods for Evaluating and Treating ASR-Affected Structures: Results of Field Application and Demonstration Projects – Volume I, Summary of Findings and Recommendations
(2013, Federal Highway Administration)
Findings from study of ASR development and evaluation of mitigation measures; information regarding diagnosing and treating ASR-affected pavements is in Ch. 5 (page 45) and regarding implementation recommendations is in Ch. 6 (page 55)
Concrete Pavement Surface Characteristics: Key Findings and Guide Specifications
(2012, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
38-page report to determine the interrelationship among noise, friction, smoothness, and texture properties of concrete pavements
Guide for Partial-Depth Repair of Concrete Pavements
(2012, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
34-page guide to help practitioners understand how to select, design, and construct successful partial-depth repairs of concrete pavements
South Dakota Pavement Preservation Guidelines
(2010, South Dakota DOT)
79-page document describing treatments for both HMA and concrete pavements, with treatment selection guidelines (detailed strategies for rigid pavements begin with section 1-4.03 on page 51)
Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement Preservation and Rehabilitation Design Guide
(2008, California DOT [Caltrans])
52-page guide to designing preservation and rehabilitation strategies for JPCPs
Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Utilizing Rubblization and Crack-and-Seat Methods
(2008, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
122-page report to evaluate the structural condition of existing rubblized concrete pavements across Iowa through Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) tests, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests, visual pavement distress surveys, etc.
Texas DOT Pavement Manual, Chapter 10
(2018; Texas Department of Transportation)
Online manual, Chapter 10 of which is a thorough guide to selecting, designing, and constructing several types of rehabilitation strategies for rigid pavements.
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation and Preservation Treatments
(2005, Federal Highway Administration)
16-page overview of, with general instructions for constructing, six concrete pavement preservation techniques (a tech brief produced through FHWA’s Concrete Pavement Technology Program [CPTP])
Pavement Preservation Concepts
Pavement Maintenance – Prevention or Repair?
(2013, Pavement Interactive; web page)
General overview of preventive maintenance concepts
Concrete Pavement Preservation
(no date, National Center for Pavement Preservation, web page)
A series of interesting links related to diamond grinding, dowel bar retrofit, rehabilitation/repair, and noise
California’s Perspective on Concrete Pavement Preservation
(no date, California Department of Transportation [Caltrans])
16-page general description of CalTrans perspective on diamond-grinding, dowel bar retrofits, and full-depth slab repair
WSDOT Pavement Preservation Guide for Local Agencies
(2012, Washington State DOT)
105-page (25 pp with appendices) assessment of outreach and implementation needs for WS DOT Local Programs to improve pavement preservation
Concrete Preservation in Caltrans
(2015, National Center for Pavement Preservation, from the Rocky Mountain West Pavement Preservation Partnership Annual Meeting, 12 min.)
Describes California DOT’s general approach to concrete pavement preservation
Concrete Pavement Evaluation
Pavement Evaluation
(2013, Pavement Interactive; 2 web pages)
General pavement evaluation information covering both asphalt and concrete pavements
Texas DOT Pavement Manual, Chapter 4
(2018, Texas Department of Transportation)
Online manual only, Chapter 4 of which is a thorough guide to pavement evaluation
Concrete Pavement Guide, Chapter 100 and Chapter 110
(2015, California DOT [CalTrans])
Chapter 100 introduces concrete pavement management strategies and concepts; chapter 110 describes steps in strategy selection process
Pavement Condition Index Survey
(2015, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1 min).
Brief overview of one county’s approach to automated collection of street and road condition data
Pavement Data Collection
(2015, City of Arvada, 4 min)
Brief overview of a city’s approach to automated collection of street condition data
Preventive Maintenance: Project Selection – Right Road, Right Treatment, Right Time
(2010, Federal Highway Administration, 29 min.)
Overview of preventive maintenance philosophy; examples tend to focus on asphalt pavements and solutions
Effective Pavement Preservation by Identifying Distress Conditions, Causes and Cures
(2010, Federal Highway Administration [with Ohio organizations], 17 min.)
Overview of distress identification for both concrete and asphalt pavements and appropriate treatments for various kinds of distress; rigid pavement information begins at about 8:43
Specific Preservation Methods
Slab Stabilization and Slab Jacking
What is Slabjacking?
(no date,
Online-only overview of how slabjacking fixes sunken concrete, with specific instructions for conducting slabjacking, and brief sections on causes of concrete sinking and how to prevent it
Field Guide to Concrete Repair Application Procedures, Slabjacking
(no date, American Concrete Institute ACI RAP Bulletin 11)
7-page detailed description of when slabjacking is needed and how it is performed
Mudjacking (Slab Jacking)
(no date, by Missouri DOT Maintenance; section 570.5 of MoDOT Engineering Policy Guide)
Thorough description of how to perform mudjacking, materials and equipment to use, etc.
Slab Jacking Warehouse Concrete Slab with Spray Polyurethane Foam
(2012, Chicagoland Spray Foam, 3:35 min.)
Shows steps in process, without narration
Slab Jacking
(2015, Atlas Restoration LLC, 2:22 min.)
Shows, in general, how slab jacking works plus several (mostly residential) applications, without narration
Slab Jacking
(2011, Hayward Baker, 30 sec.)
Illustrates basic technique on a roadway, without narration
Partial-Depth Repairs
Partial-Depth Repair of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Checklist
(2019, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-19-048, Pavement Preservation Checklist Series)
20-page checklist that lists the materials, equipment, steps, and troubleshooting involved in completing a partial-depth repair on portland cement concrete pavements
Guide for Partial-Depth Repair of Concrete Pavements
(2012, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
46-page guide to selecting, design, and constructing PDRs, with QC and troubleshooting information
Guidelines for Partial Depth Repair in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement
(2012, Texas DOT and Federal Highway Administration, via Texas Tech University)
30-page report describing distress evaluation and PDR construction; many photos of pavement distresses and construction processes
Partial-Depth Repairs for Concrete Pavements MAP Brief 7-2
(2011, Federal Highway Administration)
4-page tech brief covering types of distresses for PDRs, plus materials and construction information
Partial Depth Repairs
(no date, Federal Highway Administration)
7-section, online guidelines to selecting, designing, and constructing PDRs, with performance and cost information
Concrete Pavement Restoration – Type B Repairs (aka Partial-Depth Repairs)
(2012, Minnesota DOT, 6:50 min.)
Step-by-step demonstration of PDR procedures on many distressed sections of pavement
Full-Depth Repairs
Full-Depth Repair of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Checklist
(2019, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-19-049, Pavement Preservation Checklist Series)
22-page checklist that lists the materials, equipment, steps, and troubleshooting involved in completing a full-depth repair on portland cement concrete pavements
Guide to Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR) with Cement
(2017, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; sponsored by PCA)
102-page guide providing a concise discussion of all aspects of selecting, designing, and constructing a reclaimed, cement-stabilized asphalt base in preparation for a new pavement surface layer
Full-Depth Repairs
(no date, Federal Highway Administration)
7-section, online guidelines to selecting, designing, and constructing FDRs, with performance and cost information
Full-Depth Repairs for Concrete Pavements MAP Brief
(2012, Federal Highway Administration)
4-page tech brief covering project selection, materials and construction of FDRs
Precast Concrete Pavements MAP Brief
(2011, Federal Highway Administration)
4-page tech brief covering use of precast concrete slabs
Concrete Pavement Restoration – Type C-3D Repairs
(2013, Minnesota DOT, 9:55 min.)
Step-by-step demonstration of FDR procedures on many distressed sections of pavement
Concrete Rehabilitation – Type-D Repairs
(2013, Minnesota DOT, 8:45 min.)
Step-by-step demonstration of full-panel or multiple panel replacement
Dowel Bar Retrofit, Cross Stitching, and Slot Stitching
Dowel-Bar Retrofit for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Checklist
(2019, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-19-047, Pavement Preservation Checklist Series)
22-page checklist that lists the materials, equipment, steps, and troubleshooting involved in completing a dowel-bar retrofit on portland cement concrete pavements
Cross-Stitching for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Checklist
(2019, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-19-050, Pavement Preservation Checklist Series)
16-page checklist that lists the materials, equipment, steps, and troubleshooting involved in completing cross stitching for portland cement concrete pavements
Concrete Pavement Guide, Chapter 330
(2015, California DOT [CalTrans])
Chapter 330 describes project selection for dowel bar retrofits
Dowel Bar Retrofit Construction Practices
(2010, Pavement Interactive; web page)
Detailed, step-by-step online how-to guide
Texas DOT Pavement Manual, Chapter 10, Section 7
(2018; Texas Department of Transportation)
Online manual only, Chapter 10 – Section 7 of which is a thorough guide to dowel bar retrofits
Texas DOT Pavement Manual, Chapter 10, Section 6
(2018; Texas Department of Transportation)
Online manual only, Chapter 10 – Section 6 of which is a thorough guide to stitching
Dowel Bar Retrofit – Do’s and Don’ts
(2009, Washington State DOT WA-RD 576.2)
60-page how-to guide for dowel bar retrofits
IGGA Guide Specification: Dowel Bar Retrofit
(2013, International Grooving & Grinding Association)
7-page standard developed by IGGA specifies procedures for construction of dowel bar retrofit on concrete pavements
IGGA 2012 National Pavement Preservation Conference – Dowel Bar Retrofit
(2012, International Grooving & Grinding Association, 3:16 min.
On-site demonstration of process for constructing dowel bar retrofit
Diamond Grinding and Grooving
Diamond Grinding of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Checklist
(2019, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-19-046, Pavement Preservation Checklist Series)
14-page checklist that lists the materials, equipment, steps, and troubleshooting involved in completing diamond grinding on portland cement concrete pavements
Longitudinal Diamond Grooving of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Checklist
(2019, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-19-051, Pavement Preservation Checklist Series)
12-page checklist that lists the materials, equipment, steps, and troubleshooting involved in completing longitudinal diamond grooving for portland cement concrete pavements
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Guide for Diamond Grinding
(no date, Federal Highway Administration)
Online document covering design, construction, performance, and cost re diamond grinding, as well as a generic guide specification
Diamond Grinding to Reduce Tire-Pavement Noise in Concrete Pavements MAP Brief 4-1
(2009, Federal Highway Administration)
4-page tech brief describing uses for, and tips for optimizing, diamond grinding
IGGA Guide Specification: Conventional Diamond Grinding for Pavement Preservation
(2015, International Grooving & Grinding Association)
5-page standard that specifies procedures for operations of continuous diamond grinding to achieve desired pavement surface characteristics
IGGA Concrete Pavement Surface Restoration Fact Sheet
(2010, International Grooving & Grinding Association)
2-page tech brief comparing diamond grinding and carbide milling, and the uses of diamond grinding
Concrete Texture-Planing (Diamond Grinding)
(2013, Minnesota DOT, 2:53 min.)
Demonstrations and illustrations of correct process for diamond grinding
Diamond Grinding on Concrete Road Surfaces
(2012, Australia’s Roads & Traffic Authority)
Overview of how diamond grinding works and its benefits
Evaluation of the Benefits of Diamond Grinding of CRC Pavements
(2012, Texas DOT, 4:10 min)
Review of long-term benefits of grooving pavement via diamond grinding, with video of a Fort Worth project
Joint Resealing and Crack Sealing
Joint and Crack Sealing of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Checklist
(2019, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-HIF-19-045, Pavement Preservation Checklist Series)
20-page checklist that lists the materials, equipment, steps, and troubleshooting involved in completing joint and crack sealing on portland cement concrete pavements
Sealing Joints
(no date,
Online document listing considerations when sealing or filling concrete joints (reference is to new pavements, but info is good for resealing as well)
Concrete Rehabilitation – Type A Repairs (PCC Crack and Joint Sealing)
(2013, Minnesota DOT, 6:43 min.)
Rehabilitation methods used by MnDOT for joint and crack (re)sealing
Texas Concrete Sealing – Control & Expansion Joint Sealing
(2013, Texas Curb Cut, 1:19 min.)
Concrete Overlays
Performance History of Concrete Overlays in the United States
(2023, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
34-page overview of the long-term performance of concrete overlays in this country, with 17 specific case histories.
Optimized Joint Spacing for Concrete Overlays with and without Structural Fiber Reinforcement Final Report
(2019, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
140-page report for a Phase 2 study that investigated the optimum joint spacing for thin concrete overlays based on different concrete overlay thicknesses, support systems, and concrete overlay types with and without structural macro-fibers
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pavement Overlays: Technical Overview
(2019, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; sponsored by FHWA)
96-page report sponsored by the FHWA Technology Transfer Concrete Consortium Transportation Pooled Fund that provides a technical overview of fiber-reinforced concrete for pavement overlays
Overview of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks Final Report
(2019, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; sponsored by FHWA)
37-page report sponsored by the FHWA Technology Transfer Concrete Consortium Transportation Pooled Fund on bridge deck and bridge deck overlay construction projects that have employed fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) materials
Guide for the Development of Concrete Overlay Construction Documents
(2018, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; sponsored by FHWA)
45-page guide for the development of a concrete overlay project that includes typical construction drawings, specification guidance, cost information, and design lessons learned
Typical Overlay Construction Plans
(2018, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; sponsored by FHWA)
18-page sample plan set that includes commentary for the essential design and construction aspects of a concrete overlay
Concrete Overlay Performance on Iowa’s Roadways
(2017, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
149-page research report documenting the performance of concrete overlays in Iowa
Guide to Concrete Overlays: Sustainable Solutions for Resurfacing and Rehabilitating Existing Pavements, 3rd Edition
(2014, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
163-page document providing a thorough discussion of all aspects and considerations regarding constructing concrete overlays for pavement preservation and rehabilitation
Guide Specifications for Concrete Overlays
(2016 revision, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
32-page document providing guidance for development of project specifications for concrete overlay projects
Guide to the Design of Concrete Overlays Using Existing Methodologies
(2012, Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
75-page document providing , detailed guidance for the design of concrete overlays
Preservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Concrete Pavements Using Thin Concrete Overlays: Solutions for Joint Deterioration in Cold Weather States
(2014, Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University)
41-page guide to designing and constructing thin concrete overlays as a longer-term (15 years or more) preservation solutions for concrete pavements with prematurely deteriorating joints.
Multi-Year Concrete Overlays Program: What We Have Accomplished and Learned, MAP Brief
(2012, Federal Highway Administration)
4-page tech brief describing accomplishments and lessons learned in recent years about constructing successful concrete overlays
Spirit of St. Louis Airport Concrete Overlay, MAP Brief
(2015, Federal Highway Administration)
3-page overview of one of the first and largest concrete overlay projects in the country at the Spirit of St. Louis Airport
Design of the Times: Thin Concrete Overlays
(2008, American Concrete Pavement Association, TS240.1P)
2-page overview of overlay design features, keys to success, and cost benefits
Thin Whitetopping – the Colorado Experience
(no date, Federal Highway Administration, Concrete Pavement Technology Program (CPTP))
8-page tech brief on Colorado’s experience with thin whitetopping, aka concrete overlays
Concrete Overlays of Asphalt Parking Lots
(2015, National Ready Mix Concrete Association, 28:15 min.)
Step-by-step video of parking lot overlay process, plus discussion based on publication developed by National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University
Concrete Overlay Demo
(2010, Maryland State Highway Administration, Maryland Ready Mix Concrete Association, American Concrete Pavement Association, 6:37 min.)
Demonstration of fast-track concrete overlay project in traffic conditions, simulated in a parking lot, appropriate for a successful resurfacing project in either an intersection, highway, or secondary roadway
ND DOT – Whitetopping Utilized on ND Roads
(2012, ND DOT, 1:52 min.)
Overview of ND DOT’s rationale and benefits re the use of concrete overlays to extend the life of roads
Ultra-Thin Whitetopping Project, Lombard, Illinois
(2010, Public Works Magazine, 6:49 min.)
Rationale and details re: construction of concrete overlay on an urban asphalt street (Chicago suburb)
Online Training Modules Related to Pavement Preservation
PCC Pavement Preservation Series
(2014, AASHTO’s Transportation Curriculum Council [TC3] in partnership with National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa State University; 14 hours total all modules)
Presents current guidelines for selecting, designing, and constructing cost-effective preservation strategies.
- Module 1: Preventive Maintenance and Pavement Preservation Concepts
- Module 2: Concrete Pavement Evaluation
- Module 3: Slab Stabilization and Slab Jacking
- Module 4: Partial-Depth Repairs
- Module 5: Full-Depth Repairs
- Module 6: Retrofitted Edge Drains
- Module 7: Load Transfer Restoration
- Module 8: Diamond Grinding and Grooving
- Module 9: Joint Resealing and Crack Sealing
- Module 10: Concrete Overlays
- Module 11: Strategy Selection
User notes:
- Users must login to register, then scroll down to “PCC” section.
- Register for one module at a time or (most cost effective) for all courses at once (you can select individual modules at your own pace).
- TC3 web-based trainings are FREE for employees of state DOTs that contribute annually to the TC3 technical service program.