Concrete Pavement & Materials Stakeholder Feedback

Identifying strategies to increase the performance and sustainability of concrete pavements requires effective information exchange and collaboration with multiple stakeholder groups. The Concrete Pavement & Materials program will ask stakeholders to meet periodically to discuss program-level challenges and opportunities concerning the performance and sustainability of concrete pavements. These stakeholder meetings are a forum for discussion and for stakeholders to provide technical information to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Strategies to reduce the environmental impact in the construction and operation of concrete pavements.
  • Life-cycle cost analysis and life-cycle assessment.
  • Performance-engineered mixture design and analysis.
  • Performance-related and performance-based specifications.
  • Performance modeling and distress prediction.
  • Optimized pavement design.
  • Material testing, analysis, and quality assurance.
  • Construction and inspection technologies.
  • Relationships among design, construction, and pavement performance.
  • Technology transfer of basic and applied research into quantifiable, practical, and implementation-ready techniques.
  • Research, innovation, and deployment gaps and needs assessment.

Participants in these stakeholder feedback meetings can include representatives from owner agencies (including state departments of transportation and local agencies), industry, and academia. FHWA representatives will facilitate and coordinate the activities of these stakeholder feedback meetings through the Advancing Concrete Pavement Technology Solutions cooperative agreement with the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center.