Project Details
Gonzalo R. Rada, James M. Bryce, Beth A. Visintine, R. Gary Hicks, DingXin Cheng
NCHRP Project 14-33
Cracking of concrete pavements, Faulting, Life cycle costing, Pavement performance, Preservation, Service life
Project description
This report presents a framework for quantifying the effects of preservation treatments on pavement performance, along with a guidance document to facilitate implementation of the framework. The proposed framework uses performance measures that quantify the changes in pavement performance in terms of condition (e.g., cracking and faulting of concrete pavements and cracking and rutting of asphalt pavements), service life, and life-cycle costs. Applicability of these measures was demonstrated using in-service pavement performance data. The guide also identifies alternate pavement performance measures (e.g., friction and composite pavement condition indices) and describes a process for assessing their appropriateness for use in quantifying the effects of preservation treatments on pavement performance. In addition, incorporating these measures in asset management systems would provide a means for selecting the appropriate preservation treatments and optimizing the allocation of resources..This project is the NCHRP Research Report 858