Project Details
Amir Malakooti, Marc Maguire, Robert J Thomas
Admixtures, Bridge decks, Cement, Concrete bridges, Electrical resistivity, Modulus of elasticity, Nondestructive tests (NDT), Permeability, Water cement ratio
Project description
Concrete surface resistivity, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Spec (AASHTO Spec) and bulk resistivity, are easy to implement, non-destructive tests which can identify several important parameters, including concrete permeability and can potentially be correlated to applied tension loads, pore size distribution, alkali silica reaction, sulfate attack, internal relative humidity accurately detect setting time. This project seeks to synthesize national literature and past projects, focusing on performance metrics. Concrete mixtures and specimens from around the state of Utah will be investigated to identify relevant phenomena using several variations of concrete constituents, including multiple aggregate types, common supplementary cemetitious materials, w/c ratios and curing styles. All mixtures will be mixed by ready mix companies and precasters within the state of Utah. Mechanical and durability properties will be investigated, including (but not limited to) strength, elastic modulus, chloride ion permeability, freeze thaw, surface resistivity and bulk resistivity. Relationships between measured variables will be identifified and variability associated with the resistnace measurement techniques. This project will seek to estimate acceptable levels of performance metrics (i.e., concrete permeability) including the synthesized literature and past Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) projects quantifying bride deck performance metrics.