Project Details
Lev Khazanovich, Kyle Hoegh, Randal Barnes, Ryan Conway, Lucio Salles
Minnesota, Nondestructive tests (NDT), Pavement distress, Pavement layers, Portland cement concrete, Quality assurance (QA), Quality control (QC), Statistical analysis, Thickness
Project description
Recent developments in non-destructive testing (NDT) technologies show a great potential for assessing thickness variation in concrete pavements and identification of subsurface damage. These technologies and associated evaluation methods - particularly MIRA ultrasonic tomography and 3D Radar step frequency ground penetrating radar - have immediate implications that can assist Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) engineers in quality assurance/quality assessments (QA/QC) assessments. However, additional value from thickness variation measurements can be captured if they are completed in a way that provides insight to the causes of pavement failures. This type of evaluation could lead to the development of guidelines for more economical and long lasting pavement solutions. In the proposed study, comprehensive thickness variability assessment on several existing portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements prior to rehabilitation will be conducted and compared to observed surface distress maps. Statistical analysis will be performed to determine correlations between key pavement components and observed distresses. Factors such as overall thickness deficiencies, significant thickness variation, and large variation in base layer properties will be considered. In addition, an evaluation of similar parameters in newly constructed pavements and comparison with existing pavement results will help in identifying the need, if any, for improved QA/QC construction protocols with regard to pavement thickness.