Impacts of Internally Cured Concrete Paving on Contraction Joint Spacing

Project Details









Peter Taylor, Halil Ceylan, Yang Zhang


Iowa DOT


Concrete curing, Concrete pavements, Contraction joints, Field studies, Overlays (Pavements), Pavement performance

Project description

The primary research objective of this research study is to perform a full-scale field demonstration of the internally cured (IC) technology and its efficient performance benefits for Iowa's city and county roadways and state highways. In consultation with the project TAC, two upcoming construction projects conducted by the city, county, or Iowa DOT will be identified for IC concrete field demonstration. As already noted, such technology is suitable for use in a variety of transportation infrastructure components, including roads, bridges, sidewalks, rest areas, etc. Two potential sites of interest to Iowa county engineers are W61 Riverside Road in Washington County, Iowa, and County Road W34 in Winneshiek County, Iowa. At least one of these two sites, IC concrete technology would be implemented in a concrete overlay project to evaluate the performance of such pavement systems, and there is a strong likelihood that it would be found beneficial to implement both pavement sections using IC concrete technology. A focused project management strategy, essential for the successful completion of the project, is represented by the specific objectives of this project to be achieved through the execution of the following proposed research tasks: Task 1: Kick-off TAC meeting and identify potential sites for field implementation projects. Task 2: Laboratory characterization and evaluation of internal curing mixtures for use in field implementation projects. Task 3: Develop field implementation and evaluation plan. Task 4: Execute field implementation and evaluation plan. Task 5: Data analysis. Task 6: AASHTOWare Pavement ME modeling and analysis. Task 7: Economic analysis for field implementation projects. Task 8: Develop preliminary draft report. Task 9: Revise draft report based on TAC comments and discussion. Task 10: Final Report and presentation.